March 11, 2009

Trunk x Monkey x Mr. Bond x Mustang GT x Presentation Board = Concept art?

My latest assignment for storyboarding class,

Presentation Board for Advertising industry,

is a board that you draw to present to your client, to pitch the job, to convince them, to get the contact.

I learned the different between presentation board & production board, & got to know how ppl in advertising world expect the presentation board is.

Final Outline

image reference from internet

color thumb


I never know whether I will be in advertising field or not. The fact is- CG needed in TV commercial, as well as storyboarding, especially in Malaysia.

Anyway, this is a good practice for me, esp digital painting. Furthermore, this 'presenatation board' thing might meant similar with 'concept art'- convert your idea into visual & present to your director.

We just need to do more practice in drawings. Enjoy~ =D


Hammy said...

Hah, not bad! but color wise can be less 'speedracer' like. I like the line art a lot, I think you got the quality down. :D And done it way better than I could have handled. Your idea is hilarious though!! Great one! ^^

西門小弟 said...

wah, your drawing skill improve!! good!!!
i long time din draw already.... T-T

Ben Lam said...

Thanks Hammy & Simon!
Hammy- I'm sure you can handle it much better than me..! & it's just a typical Mr. Bond idea.. there are 3 people drew the same idea in this assignment!

Simon- well Simon, just draw, perhaps you can start with drawing someone you love~ hehe
