From the book of
The Art of Storyboard ---------------->
Don Bluth said that,
'I never concentrate on doing good sketches on the first pass, but place my focus instead on the emotional power that emerges from my imagination. With each new sketch,
I ask myself the same TWO QUESTION:
What Am I Trying to Say, What Do I Want the Audience to Feel?
If I can't answer these two questions, I'm not ready to draw, so I put the pencil down. '
(page. 22)::What do you think? It apply in doing animation as well,
If I can't answer these two questions, I'm not ready to animate...::
FYI, this is a very fun book to read at. Mr. Bluth shared his view of his career, not the history nor the drawing skill, but the positive attitude that we need all the time. Mr. Bluth showed his talent; moreover, his passionate in
storytelling industry. .
My last week Storyboard class assignment-
Here is your story: two characters are traveling down a road or path and something falls from the sky.
Can you believe this?! I created such
cliché gag into my storyboard in
21st century.....!!! I'm running out of idea...
Oh~ by the way, the final ending could be a coke logo, or sprite, or pepsi.... whichever accept such
cliché idea... Enjoy~